Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Living Social Deal on Air Yoga in a Waterfront Studio in Baltimore

Living Social is always offering these awesome deals on yoga classes, but unfortunately most of them are far off in Washington D.C. or Baltimore. If you are low on cash, have a fuel efficient car, work in the city, enjoy going to Baltimore, and/or have some spare time, using a Living Social Deal for yoga classes in the city can be a inexpensive way to attend yoga classes. Every now and then a Yoga deal for a studio in Howard County will pop up in Living Social, and I will make sure to post any of the local deals that come up occasionally.
Picture of the Baltimore Location of the Air Yoga Classes
Courtesy Club Solution Magazine

Today this particular deal on five Air Yoga class for $25 at a waterfront studio in Baltimore caught my eye. You can buy the coupon until 5/19, and you need to claim all five classes before 9/21. See the coupon for further details. Even if you only make it to two or three classes, it is still a pretty good deal for yoga classes.  

I personally haven't tried air yoga, but I may just have to try it out with this coupon. The view looks spectacular from the Baltimore studio. Have any of you readers tried it? If anything, the classes would be a good excuse to get out to Baltimore and pick up some groceries at their wonderful Whole Foods or grab a cocktail at Pazo

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