Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Donate to Future Yogic Art Exhibition at the Smithsonian

The Smithsonian is looking for donations to fund the Yoga: The Art of Transformation exhibit at the Arthur M. Sackley Gallery which is set to open this fall. Yoga: The Art of Transformation will be the world's first exhibit dedicated strictly to yogic art. No matter how much money they raise, the exhibit will open. Whether you have spare change to donate or not, it will definitely be worth checking out. The thing is with the money they raise, they can add lots of cool things, like yoga classes. 

The Smithsonian is largely funded by our tax dollars to pay staff, maintenance, utilities, etc., but the museum's fundraising efforts finance all exhibits.  Usually The Smithsonian reaches out to the rich and corporations for money, but due to the popularity of yoga this time they decided to try their first crowd sourcing campaign. Crowd sourcing is basically when organizations try to gather donations from lots of smaller donors rather than a couple of big ones. 

What is also rad about this whole thing is if you make a donation your name will be displayed on a digital plague in the museum lobby. I don't know about you, but I never expected my name to be displayed in The Smithsonian. Now you can add your name to the countless corporation names and private donor names all over the place that help keep the museum exhibits fresh and admissions free to the public. You will forever have bragging rights for being a patron of the arts! That isn't very zen, is it? Oh well. 

I feel very fortunate to have free access to museums largely thanks to The Smithsonian. Us folks surrounding the Washington D.C. area are lucky to have free access to such elaborate displays of knowledge. The first time I realized museums in other places charge for admission I was shocked! Donating to The Smithsonian or having a membership gives you a chance to give back to the invaluable access to knowledge that sometimes many of us take for granted as people a "normal" things. 

Image from Smithsonian Website. Just a little taste of awesome things to come in the Yoga: The Art of Transformation Exhibit! 

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